

Published: May 31, 2023

  Wladimir Gottmann


In modern conditions, the housing construction sector is dynamically developing and transforming under the influence of the turbulent processes of our time: globalization, digitalization, platformization, greening, etc. The purpose of the article is to identify new innovative forms of investment in housing construction and their features in different countries. When analyzing innovative forms of investment in housing construction, a generalization of theoretical approaches to understanding this phenomenon was carried out, modern trends and features of investment were identified. Such new forms as crowdfunding and crowdinvesting are disclosed, which allow expanding opportunities for individual investors, reducing risks and promoting the further development of housing construction, taking into account modern key features. Mechanisms for financing housing construction depend on many factors: the development of the credit and financial, insurance and stock markets, the stability of the national currency, the inflation rate, the solvency of the population, the development and implementation of information technologies, the dynamic development of which is accompanied by the creation of digital platforms and other processes. Under the influence of these factors, the processes of investing in housing construction are actively developing and becoming more complex. Real estate crowdfunding is carried out through online crowdfunding platforms, in which many investors gather to implement construction or renovation projects for residential and commercial real estate. The crowdfunding platform acts as an intermediary between the fund seeker and investors. Crowdinvesting is equity crowdfunding that raises capital from many small investor companies through internet platforms. Loan crowdfunding or crowdlending is the financing of a real estate project through a loan that investors provide to develop the project. Modern information and communication technologies provide ample opportunities for developing new investment and lending instruments, which allows diversifying risks, expanding the number of investors, easing the debt burden for potential borrowers, etc.

How to Cite

Gottmann, W. (2023). INNOVATIVE FORMS AND METHODS OF INVESTING IN HOUSING CONSTRUCTION. Economics & Education, 8(1), 72-79.
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digitalization, platformization, crowdfunding, crowdinvesting, crowdlending


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