

Published: Aug 31, 2023

  Mariia Lionenko

  Olena Huzar


The aim of this scientific article is to investigate and analyse the use of digital technologies in designing lessons to promote critical thinking among primary school students. It highlights the importance of this research in the context of today's information-driven society and educational demands. Methodology. The study takes a comprehensive approach to research and analysis. It includes a review of relevant literature on critical thinking, digital technologies and their integration in education. The researchers examine various digital tools and techniques that are suitable for promoting critical thinking in young learners. In addition, the study includes a qualitative evaluation of sample critical thinking lessons designed for primary school students, with a particular focus on blended and distance learning environments. Results. The research findings demonstrate the benefits and opportunities of digital technologies in developing critical thinking skills in young students. It shows the effectiveness of specific digital tools and methodologies in developing critical analysis, problem solving and reasoning skills. The study also highlights the positive impact of digital technology integration on student motivation, access to information and the development of critical thinking skills in the context of distance learning. Practical implications. The article provides practical insights for educators and curriculum developers in designing engaging lessons that promote critical thinking in primary school students through the integration of digital technologies. It suggests best practices for selecting appropriate digital tools and techniques to achieve optimal results in developing critical thinking skills. It also provides guidance on how to integrate digital technologies into the educational process to enhance the quality of teaching and learning, especially in the context of distance learning. Value/originality. This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by shedding light on the specific benefits of using digital technologies to promote critical thinking in young learners. The study provides original insights into the effective integration of digital tools and methodologies in the development of critical thinking skills in primary school students. It highlights the importance of embracing digital literacy as an integral part of fostering a culture of critical thinking, thereby enhancing the overall learning experience in the digital age.

How to Cite

Lionenko, M., & Huzar, O. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF CRITICAL THINKING IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITAL LEARNING. Economics & Education, 8(2), 29-35.
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digital tools, digital applications, critical thinking, methods of developing critical thinking, lessons for developing critical thinking, distance learning


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