

Published: Nov 30, 2023

  Olena Palchuk


The purpose of the paper is to set out the place of education and human resources in the future development of Ukraine, particularly in the light of the post-war difficulties in rebuilding the country and further prospects. Methodology. The study is based on a comparison of PISA 2018 results, with different countries compared to Ukraine. PISA measures the ability of 15-year-old students to use their knowledge and skills in reading, mathematics and science to solve real-life problems. The results of the research showed that the Ukrainian education system has two main problems: low levels of mathematical literacy and deep inequalities in access to quality education depending on the place of residence and socio-economic status. Taking into account the PISA measurement system and the requirements of the modern economy, it is necessary to change the Ukrainian education system. Practical implications. Ukrainian teachers need to pay more attention to ensuring that students focus on the practical application of knowledge, question established opinions, engage them in open-ended tasks, make them critically analyse all the information they consume and express their opinions constructively. Value/Originality. Analysing the results of PISA and comparing them with other countries allows for a better understanding of what steps need to be taken to reform the education sector.

How to Cite

Palchuk, O. (2023). POST-WAR RECOVERY OF UKRAINE: THE ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCES. Economics & Education, 8(3), 30-36.
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education economics, educational economics, education, human capital, school education, school productivity, educational policy


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