

Published: Dec 29, 2023

  Larysa Antoniuk

  Hanna Niameshchuk

  Karyna Anapriiuk


The subject of the research is the history and peculiarities of the exploration and use of space by governmental institutions and private and commercial entities, which, with the beginning of the space age, has created several significant threats to the further development of humanity, due to non-compliance with the principles of sustainable development. The research methodology is based on reports, guidelines, statistical databases and forecasts of integration groups, specialised governmental and international institutions and their structural units for the study and control of space debris (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, European Space Agency, United Nations), as well as the results of research by private companies in the space solar energy sector. The purpose of the paper is to analyse trends in the sustainable development of a globalised society in compliance with the principles of responsible use of outer space and to assess the potential of the space solar energy sector to ensure the sustainability of the competitive position of the world's economies. In today's environment, competitiveness and investment in high-tech industries are the driving forces of development that can lead to a country's transition to a fundamentally new level of development. The issue of efficient use of outer space encourages states to search for new technological opportunities for economic growth and inclusive development. Conclusion. The authors have analysed the trends in the use of space, the prospects for sustainable development of the space economy, its impact on the planet's ecosystem, and the main policy directions to help governments take the necessary measures for long-term planning to achieve sustainable and inclusive development. The publication examines space activities related to space debris reduction policies and sustainable solar energy production from space. The authors of the research developed guidelines for space debris mitigation and considered the benefits of using space solar energy.

How to Cite

Antoniuk, L., Niameshchuk, H., & Anapriiuk, K. (2023). POTENTIAL FOR THE SPACE SOLAR ENERGY SECTOR DEVELOPMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES. Economics & Education, 8(4), 21-26. https://doi.org/10.30525/2500-946X/2023-4-3
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space economy, sustainable space development, rational use of outer space, principles of sustainable development, space debris


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