The purpose of the article is to develop a model for managing a corporate trading system and define the principles that ensure its use. Methodology. The research methodology is based on the dialectical and systemic approach, i.e., the activities of the components of the business system are considered in their interconnection and interdependence. The methods of multidimensional logic, formalisation, structural synthesis, modelling and scientific generalisation are used to develop the management model of the business system. Results. The evolution of the business trading system reflects changes in space and time. It is impossible to change the scale of its activities without introducing managerial and organisational innovations. Corporate management is based on a three-level hierarchical structure: shareholders, board of directors and top management. The effectiveness of corporate management in commerce is determined by the degree of centralisation of management decisions. Corporate management and its senior executives ensure the achievement of the system's objectives, control and plan its development. A unified strategic management centre carries out strategic management of business units and internal coordination of actions, change management, while at the same time giving them the right to independent operational management. Separation of strategic and operational management subsystems allows to create a management system combining strategic objectives and performance parameters. Practical implications. The practical results can serve as a basis for further research on ways to improve the strategic and operational management of business units that are part of the corporate trading system, taking into account changes in the internal and external environment. Value/Originality. The proposed model of corporate trading system management allows to better understand the essence of the management process, provides strategic management of their activities from a single strategic management centre and gives the right to independent operational management.
How to Cite
corporate trade system, corporate management, strategic management, change management, operational management, management models
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