The main purpose of the article is to provide a thorough theoretical consideration of the concept of relationship marketing management of higher education institutions in modern conditions. The authors aim to define the theoretical foundations of this concept by analysing different approaches to its definition by different scholars, and to highlight the prerequisites for the formation of the concept of relationship marketing management in higher education institutions. In the article the authors consider in detail the nature and theoretical foundations of relationship marketing in Ukrainian universities. The paper highlights the prerequisites for the formation of the concept of relationship marketing management in Ukrainian higher education institutions. Particular attention is paid to the context of relationship marketing management in the context of the crisis in Ukraine due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the military conflict. The publication explores how these challenges affect the implementation of the relationship marketing management concept and considers key management strategies in this context. The article pays special attention to the study of the impact of digital transformations on the management of relationship marketing in Ukrainian universities. The authors analyse how the introduction of digital technologies creates new opportunities and challenges for relationship marketing management in higher education, especially in times of crisis. Based on this analysis, the authors propose an improved definition of the term "relationship marketing management of a higher education institution". They see it as a continuous process aimed at creating and sustaining value for all participants in this interaction. This improved definition takes into account the strategic orientation of relationship marketing management, which recognises the important role of universities in society. Furthermore, the article discusses the key actions required for the successful implementation of relationship marketing management in universities. The research proposes a classification of participants in the interaction of universities in the process of managing relationship marketing, distinguishing the categories of responsible actors, business partners, observers and regulators. This classification helps structure the university's interaction with various stakeholders and define their role in the context of relationship marketing management.
How to Cite
higher education, marketing management, relationship marketing, stakeholders
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