The aim of this paper is to summarise and present the main features of project-based learning (PjBL) within innovation-based development. Methodology. The methodology of this study involves the use of PjBL as an educational and technology transfer tool. In an educational context, it uses a structured approach where students identify real-world problems, conduct research, develop projects, collaborate on their implementation, and reflect on their experiences to deepen learning and develop critical thinking. PjBL application scenarios cover a variety of disciplines, including STEM education, social sciences, business and humanities, enabling students to apply knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems. In the field of technology transfer, a similar PjBL principle is applied to facilitate the transfer of research innovations for practical application. This involves collaborative partnerships, technology assessment, prototyping, market validation, licensing or commercialisation, fostering innovation and translating research into tangible societal benefits. This study aims to demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of PjBL as a transformational methodology in both the educational and technology transfer contexts. Practical implications. PjBL encourages active, experiential learning where participants interact directly with real-world problems. This hands-on approach fosters a deeper understanding of concepts and encourages innovation by allowing participants to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios. PjBL can have a long-term impact on innovation by fostering a mindset of lifelong learning and continuous improvement. The skills and experiences gained through PjBL can help people become innovative thinkers and problem solvers who will contribute to positive change in their industries and local communities. Value/Originality. It is substantiated that PjBL allows participants to immerse themselves in real problems or scenarios relevant to technology transfer. By working on projects that simulate the challenges faced in the transfer process, participants gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and develop practical skills that can be directly applied in technology transfer activities.
How to Cite
project-based learning, innovations, technology transfer, projects
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