The article presents the results of an assessment of the functional management model common in public dental organisations. The subject of the study is the model of management of dental organisations. The method of self-assessment of the main managerial functions by D.V. Maslov is used as a research tool. Research methodology. To evaluate the functional model of management, the article applies the methodology of express assessment by D. V. Maslov, who proposed to use a questionnaire containing questions to assess the main management functions: planning/forecasting, organisation, motivation, control, coordination and communication. The first five criteria combine 25 assessment categories. The questions in the rapid assessment questionnaire are divided into five groups according to the criteria. Thus, 25 questions correspond to 25 assessment categories. Each question has five possible answers, of which only one could be selected. In order to obtain objective information, it is necessary that not only managers but also employees take part in the survey. The advantage of a two-way assessment is the ability to determine the consistency of managers' and employees' perceptions of the state of affairs in the organisation. At least 50% of managers and at least 80% of employees of the organisation took part in this survey. The questionnaire by the above-mentioned author, adapted to the specifics of dental organisations, was used as a basis. Answer options characterised the current situation in the field of governance: 0 – no activities; 1 – activities are carried out from time to time; 2 – activities are carried out partially, depending on the situation; 3 – activeities are carried out continuously and systematically; 4 – activities are carried out as efficiently as possible (benchmark level). The score for each of the five criteria can reach 20 points, and the maximum score for the management system is 100 points. The results of the rapid assessment of managers showed that such management functions as "control" and "motivation" need to be improved the most. And the assessment of the HR management system showed that there are significant discrepancies with the opinion of managers in almost all management functions. Significant discrepancies were found in the assessments of management processes between managers and employees (from 0.1 to 1). Conclusion. The results of the study led to the conclusion that the management model does not meet modern requirements.
How to Cite
state dental organisations, self-assessment, functional management model
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