

Published: Mar 26, 2021

  Natalia Yevtushenko

  Anatoliy Salo


The purpose of the article is to study economic phenomena and processes in Ukraine in order to substantiate the need to intensify innovative activity on its territory and to search for promising opportunities to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises during the political and economic crisis. Measurement of the level of innovative development of Ukrainian enterprises was carried out using data for a nine-year period of time (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019). Methodology. The use of economic, abstract and logical research methods through methods of analysis, synthesis and graphical presentation made it possible to assess the level of innovative development of Ukrainian enterprises for the main international rating and macroeconomic indicators. Results. The content of the concept of “innovative activity” was clarified, which made it possible to highlight the main directions of innovative development of enterprises in the country. A methodology for conducting a step-by-step assessment of the level of innovative development of enterprises in Ukraine through the criteria that determine the profile of the National Innovation System of Ukraine is proposed. According to the results of the assessment, it has been found that during the analysed period, Ukraine’s positions in The Global Competitiveness Index in the context of individual rating indicators do not have stability and are positioned at the level of underdeveloped countries. At the macroeconomic level of Ukraine, this is confirmed by the annual decrease in the part of expenses for the implementation of innovative developments in the structure of GDP expenditures to a critically low level. In the process of assessing the costs of performing innovative developments by type of work, it has been found that the most funded type in Ukraine is scientific and technical (experimental) developments. Practical implications. The results of the assessment confirm the drop in the level of innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises, the low efficiency of the National Innovation System, and explain the passive role of the state and the further lag of the country in technological development from the developed countries of the world. In such conditions, there is the need to attract consulting companies to increase innovative activity. Value/originality. A methodology for assessing the level of innovative development of Ukrainian enterprises has been formed according to the results of which it is proposed to use consulting as an effective tool of the National Innovation System in order to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises.

How to Cite

Yevtushenko, N., & Salo , A. (2021). CONSULTING IN INCREASING INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES OF ENTERPRISES OF UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 7(2), 65-76.
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consulting, innovation, competitiveness, national innovation system, strategy, enterprises


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