

Published: Jan 30, 2022

  Natalia Yevtushenko

  Olena Gudz


Scientists continue keep discussions about communications and communication processes, as well as their role in the activities of companies in the digital economy. The communications of consulting companies, where this management tool is of great importance in the process of their growth, are poorly studied. Issues of the development of areas for effective communication management of consulting companies are still relevant. The purpose of the article is to study of theoretical foundations of the formation of a communication system of internal consulting interaction and hence, develop a scientific and methodological approach to assessing the state of the communication system of internal consulting interaction; provide practical recommendations for the effective management of internal communications on the example of the activities of consulting companies in Ukraine. Methodology. A set of general scientific methods was used: historical and dialectical methods – for reviewing scientific views on the content of consulting and communications, presenting the content of the main scientific categories; an abstract-logical method – for establishing logical relationships between the elements of the communication system of internal consulting interaction and developing, on this basis, a scientific and methodological approach to assessing the state of this system; the method of strategic analysis of diagnostics of the system of internal communications on the example of consulting companies in Ukraine. Results. The authors clarified basic concepts and components of the communication system of the communicative process of consulting interaction according to its examined features. Connections between the elements of this system were established. The emergence in the communication system of a consulting company of the effect of communicative convergence between the participants in the interaction during the development of a joint idea and the production of joint communicative actions was fixed. It was developed a scientific and methodological approach to assessing the state of the communication system of internal consulting relationship, the implementation of which takes place within the framework of the procedural model. The state of communication systems of internal consulting was assessed instead of modifications at the stage “Diagnostics of communication systems” as in the case of the ninth consulting companies in Ukraine, which were included in the Top 15 most popular companies of Ukraine in 2020. During the diagnostics of communication systems of such companies, their strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats were identified. This made it possible to solve problems related to business dealing in companies and give practical recommendations for addressing these problems. Practical implications. The results of theoretical and practical research confirm the need for consulting companies to use a process model for assessing the state of the communication system of the communicative process of internal consulting interaction within the framework of a scientific and methodological approach. The approach will help the management of consulting companies to timely identify problems in the management of internal communications, evaluate them and make effective decisions to increase the loyalty of consultants, their productivity and receive planned income. Value/originality. Research is valuable. It substantiates the understanding of consulting interaction as a professional communication process in the communication system of consulting companies, which accompanied by the effect of communicative convergence. The results obtained can be useful for specialists and managers of internal communications. To get a fuller picture of the problems, company managers are encouraged to conduct surveys of employees and coordinate their competencies in accordance with the “Effective Consultant” model.

How to Cite

Yevtushenko, N., & Gudz, O. (2022). CONSULTING AND INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS: THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(1), 43-54.
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consulting, internal communications, consulting interaction, communication process, system, company


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