

Published: Mar 26, 2021

  Olha Popelo

  Maksym Dubyna

  Nataliia Kholiavko


The article reveals the essence of the concept of “financial innovations” and their features. The classification of financial innovations is given. The innovative models of the Ukrainian banking business development are analysed. The innovative developments of the world’s leading banks are systematized according to the version of the annual competition for the BAI-Finance Global Banking Innovation Awards held in Las Vegas. The innovative and information technologies in the work of financial institutions in the following areas are analysed: Product and Service Financial Innovation, Channel Financial Innovation, Financial Innovation in Social and Community Impact, Financial Innovation in Internal Process Improvement. Foreign experience and features of the development of the newest innovative information technologies in the financial services market are analysed. The subject of research is theoretical and applied aspects of the development of innovations and information technologies in the functioning of world-class financial institutions. The purpose of the article is to analyse and systematize foreign experience in the development of new innovative and information technologies in the financial services market. In the research, the authors used general scientific and specific methods, including: historical-logical, dialectical, deductive, analysis and synthesis, grouping, abstraction and formalization, benchmarking, generalizations and systematization. The article concludes that in modern rapidly evolving digitalization processes, financial innovations play an extremely important role and contribute to the economic development of countries. The authors point out that banking institutions need to focus their potential as much as possible on identifying priority digital and innovative initiatives, taking into account current challenges and threats. Finally, the effective use of specific financial innovations requires in-depth knowledge of the features of their operation and careful analysis of their consequences. The authors recommend the use of a cross-functional approach, which provides flexibility and the ability to transform change over time and is an important element in the process of implementing financial innovations. Taking into account the experience of leading banking institutions that actively implement innovative developments, the authors note that along with the benefits, financial innovations can cause new challenges and threats for all participants in this process. Researchers have shown that radical innovation can displace a dominant business model or technology and create a new market. According to the results of the analysis of innovative developments of banks around the world for the period 2015-2019, the authors found that financial innovations have changed their nature and are based on the latest digital technologies.

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financial institutions, financial market, financial innovations, innovation, information technologies, Fintech, digital technologies, bank, credit institu-tions, business models


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