

Published: Sep 27, 2021

  Marián Mesároš


The content and subject of this paper, that is Migration in the context of the principles of terrorism, is in close cerrespondence with the scientific project of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic called Creating and testing presentations of projects preventing illegal criminality. Migration is a problem all over the world and represents a huge financial, but above all a social, burden for economically developed countries. In early 2020, the problem partially receded as a result of the global pandemic, but the problem still exists and is waiting to be solved. The same problem is being faced not only by the EU countries, but also by the USA on the border with Mexico. However, populist manifestations of the new USA government will bring another problem of huge dimensions. EU countries must quickly find a common solution on how to protect countries in the northern Mediterranean Sea and avoid declarations of legacy linked to the past. A new image is being gained by terrorism penetrating the cyberspace, and migrants getting ready to do so represent an instrument in the hands of organizations from the Arabian world. After world pandemics, EU countries will begin to recover from economic problems, and migrants will gain new strength because they will already have information about how to obtain shelter benefits in individual countries. They primarily want to go to economically developed countries, so the happiness of post-socialist countries is that they are not among the dream countries of economic migrants. There is one rule that will always be true, and namely, the easy money will wean the native population off their work habits, and subsequently whatever they get without work in their home country they can get in any other EU country. The research methods used to write this article were: analysis, synthesis of available information, reports, scientific articles on the topic, and subsequent deduction to determine conclusions.

How to Cite

Mesároš, M. (2021). MIGRATION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE PRINCIPLES OF TERRORISM. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 7(4), 24-34. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2021-7-4-24-34
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migration, society, globalization, safety, terorism, integration, polotical solutions, cyberspace


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