

Published: Sep 27, 2021

  Zarina Poberezhna


The aim of the article is to develop and test the theoretical and methodological approach concerning the management of the formation of an effective airline business model based on its integral competitiveness indicator, which is a determining factor of survival in difficult and dynamic conditions, as well as the guiding vector of the enterprise development in the future. The method for assessing the competitiveness of the airline business model is based on a dualistic system of integrated indicators. The first integrated indicator provides a static assessment of the competitiveness of the airline business model compared to selected competitors, a reference company or average data for a particular market (local, regional, national). In order to assess the static component of the competitiveness of the business model of the airline company, as a method of constructing an integral indicator, the method of taxonomy was chosen, which best meets the condition of maximum objectivity in the calculations. The second integral indicator is responsible for the dynamic component of the assessment and shows the degree of synchronization of the company with the relevant market. Accordingly, will assess a set of financial, managerial and marketing indicators that characterize the results of both basic and management business processes of companies, taking into account the overall quality of business management processes. The information base of the study consists of data from financial statements of aviation enterprises of Ukraine. The sample size is 15 units. Methodology. The first stage of the analysis included the calculation of the share indicators of the competitiveness of the business model of the airlines according to the following criteria: "efficiency of production activities", "financial condition", "efficiency of marketing activities", and "quality of business processes". Further, the study calculated conditional (relative) indicators of competitiveness of the studied airlines by comparing the absolute measure of the enterprise with the best value of these indicators of all competitors in the market. On the basis of which the "matrix of competitive development" was built. Results of the study. According to the results of the construction of the "matrix of competitive development" the following four types of management business model development of the airline enterprises were formed: adaptive management, strategic management, anticipative management (there are no enterprises in this zone), anti-crisis management. Practical conclusions. The conducted research allowed to establish that the overall level of competitiveness of the business models of the studied airline companies is quite low, since there is not a single company in the most attractive zone of high competitiveness. Also, 6 of the 15 examined airlines are at a crisis stage of development, which actualizes the need to develop a set of anti-crisis measures to further stabilize the competitive position.

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conceptual framework, methodology of business model evaluation, airline companies, theoretical and methodological approach to business model management, airline competitiveness, efficient business model, integral indicator of the competitiveness of the business model of the airline company, , types of business model management


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