

Published: Sep 27, 2021

  Oleksandr Romanovskyi

  Yuliia Romanovska

  Oleksandra Romanovska


The purpose of the work is to study the complex essence of higher education as an integral part of the anthroposphere (technosphere); to define the main fundamental tasks of innovative academic (university) entrepreneurship; to study the main types of innovations initiated by academic capitalism in the higher education system, which can lead to innovative changes and its classification; to determine the main objects of innovation activity in the field of higher education and science and expedient directions of further innovative development of higher education in Ukraine; to study the types of innovations in the higher education system. Innovative transformations in the sphere of higher education and science are considered by the authors as objectively conditioned transformational changes caused by the environment of academic capitalism. The core of the study is academic or university entrepreneurship based on the market relations spread by academic capitalism in the sphere of scientific and educational activities of universities, research institutes and other institutions and organizations of this field. An important basis of scientific work is the application to national conditions of the Triple helix model of innovation of N. Etzkowitz on the innovative development of society. Scientific novelty consists of the following: the world experience of innovative transformations in the sphere of higher education and science occurring under conditions of academic capitalism is studied; theoretical data for new approaches in understanding of innovative transformations in the sphere of higher education and science which are economic categories and occur under market laws are formulated and offered; new approaches for further innovative reformation of higher education and science under conditions of academic capitalism are offered. A new scientific term of “innovatics of higher education” has been put into circulation. Provisions on the uniqueness of the essence of higher education, the main fundamental tasks of innovative academic (university) entrepreneurship, the types of innovations initiated by academic capitalism in higher education that can lead to innovative changes, and their classification of both theoretical and practical importance for the development of domestic science and higher education are proposed. The main objects of innovative activity in the sphere of higher education and science, the corresponding directions of further innovative development of higher education in Ukraine, as well as the types of innovations in higher education that can lead to innovative changes are also defined.

How to Cite

Romanovskyi, O., Romanovska, Y., & Romanovska, O. (2021). ACADEMIC CAPITALISM AS A DRIVER OF TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE IN THE COMPLEX SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND SCIENCE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 7(4), 165-175.
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academic capitalism, entrepreneurial university, innovations, higher education and science, technosphere


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