

Published: Dec 27, 2021

  Petro Kutsyk

  Bohdan Shevchyk

  Olena Perepolkina


Economic systems are viewed as sociocultural phenomena of an ontological order. The hypothesis of a trialectic-dual and attractional-level nature of the implementation of cultural-paternalistic projects in the institutional sphere of economic relations is put forward. Attractive high-order noumena shape/define lower-order phenomena in paternal practices of economics. Attractive space is a bipolar space of regression. The algorithm of the actualization of the noumenon into a phenomenon is a triadic structure: axiological narrative -> paradigmatic project -> praxiological pattern. Each paternal project is realized by means of a trialectical mechanism: organizational pattern -> amplifier/intensifier pattern -> homeostatic pattern. The configurations of the paternal triads of the economic system manifest themselves in a quadra of hierarchical levels: micro-, meso-, macro- and mega-levels. The micro-level represents the basic paternal business triads; the meso-level represents the trialectic configurations of state structure; the macro-level represents the paternal trialectic of sociocultural fluctuations of economic systems; the mega-level represents the trialectic of the projects of the cultural dominant paradigm. The seven-phase cycle of sociocultural dynamics in the paradigmatic-father plane of static and economic efficiency at the macro- and mega-levels of civilization "West" is considered. A notion of the formation of a nooeconomy of ideative type culture was created, in which human cognitive abilities will act as the main economic evolutionary resource, and knowledge workers as carriers of the ideative cultural mentality will be the meritocratic social class. The concept of the sixth technological structure of NBIS-convergence is seen as the first phase of the culture of the ideological type of cognitive economic systems. The noosphere is interpreted as an attraction-fluctuation manifestation of the phase of transition to the ideative cycle of cultural development by the paternal matrix of the cognitive resources of the dominant culture's core. The added value of cognitive resources within the marginal cost of intellectual capital will lie in the expanding potential of the filter of individual consciousness to unpack the compressed meanings of the semantic vacuum and create texts - innovative and paradigmatic projects of expanded opportunities for life enrichment based on the ontological novelty noumenon-concept of the highest measure of reference and mediator-marker in institutional advanced evolutionary space as cognitive strategic resources of the “advantage of immaturity”.

How to Cite

Kutsyk, P., Shevchyk, B., & Perepolkina, O. (2021). ECONOMICS AS CULTURE: SYNERGY OF ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 7(5), 243-249.
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paradigm, pattern, attractor, axiological narrative, sensuous culture, ideative culture, cognitive resources, conscience filter


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