

Published: Nov 24, 2020

  Petro Kutsyk

  Kostiantyn Redchenko

  Roman Voronko


Modern decentralized technologies, such as distributed registries, blockchain, smart contracts and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO), are becoming more popular every year. Therefore, the subject of our research, the results of which are presented in this article, is the processes of digitalization in the field of management control and key technologies that allow to organize an effective system of management control in a decentralized organization. The success of management control is determined not only by its ability to identify and correct undesirable deviations in a timely manner, but also by the presence of a special corporate culture based on trust and fairness. Moreover, a positive corporate culture reduces the need for a number of control procedures designed to compensate for the lack of trust within the company. This effect can also be seriously enhanced by modern digitalization technologies. The research methodology included a broad review of literature sources and a comparative analysis of modern concepts of decentralized management, as well as drawing conclusions about promising ways to evolve management control systems. The aim of the study is to identify the impact on management control systems of modern technologies such as blockchain, smart contracts and decentralized autonomous organizations. The authors summarized the experience of applying these technologies in management control systems, which are designed to ensure high individual and team performance to achieve the strategic goals of the company. The conclusion is that the blockchain-based decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is changing the forms and methods of management control, increasing the role of collective decisions and opening the way for employee initiative. DAO can significantly reduce internal and external transaction costs, including costs associated with the management and operation of management control systems. Different procedures for approval, confirmation and verification, as well as the adoption of standard management decisions are unified and automated. Accordingly, the time and the total amount of effort spent by managers to perform routine actions related to monitoring and control of employees' actions is reduced. Decentralization of control also reduces the impact of administrative procedures and ensures a higher level of trust within the organization. The decentralized model of management control is relevant for various areas of business and management, but special prospects can be seen in the field of decentralized finance (DeFi), where a wide range of professional controllers and users can be involved in auditing smart contracts and identifying shortcomings in financial services.

How to Cite

Kutsyk, P., Redchenko, K., & Voronko, R. (2020). MANAGEMENT CONTROL AND MODERN DECENTRALIZED TECHNOLOGIES. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(4), 98-102.
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management control, blockchain, smart contracts, digitalization, decentralized autonomous organizations


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