

Published: Dec 27, 2021

  Vasyl Topchii

  Svitlana Zadereiko

  Galyna Didkivska

  Olesia Bodunova

  Dmytro Shevchenko


The article studies the issues of combating corruption in the aspect of its incorporation into international standards. Corruption has been identified as a threat to democracy and economic development in many States. It arises from the process of the exchange of power for material assets, that is, when a competent person performs or refrains from performing certain actions for remuneration, and due to the weakness or weakness of state, political and public institutions that control and limit these processes. It was noted that now the world community is seriously thinking about those negative consequences (threat of statehood, undermining trust in the authorities, causing harm to the individual, society, the functioning of organized crime, a drop in the level of professionalism of employees, a decrease in the level of legal awareness of spirituality) caused by corruption, and realized that while measures taken by individual States to combat corruption could have short-term effects, all States needed to act as one in order to achieve serious positive results. It is noted that the international community, in an effort to develop effective measures to prevent and eradicate corruption, has adopted a number of international treaties, as well as recommendations that are not binding, but are used by States as effective mechanisms for monitoring corruption. It was concluded that in recent years much has been done to strengthen anti-corruption legislation in Ukraine and its compliance with international anti-corruption standards. Currently, in the current political environment, knowledge and study of international anti-corruption standards is becoming increasingly relevant for both ordinary citizens and law enforcement.

How to Cite

Topchii, V., Zadereiko, S., Didkivska, G., Bodunova, O., & Shevchenko, D. (2021). INTERNATIONAL ANTI-CORRUPTION STANDARDS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 7(5), 277-286.
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corruption, countering, international standards, anti-corruption, international legislation


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