

Published: Sep 30, 2022

  Yurii Safonov

  Svitlana Gutkevych

  Lina Shenderivska


The aim of the study is to analyze the features of management of printing enterprises, to give recommendations for business development. The significance of the printing industry in the publishing and printing complex for the formation of the intellectual capital of the nation, the development of a democratic humane and progressive society is substantiated. The factors determining the spread of small business in printing were revealed. They are related to the peculiarities of the consumer market, which requires a wide geography of supplies and personalized orders; to the development of scientific and technological progress, the result of which is the invention of less capital-intensive technologies; to the state policy focused on the stimulation of small business development. The relevance of the business model of cooperation in the publishing and printing complex at the international level has been proved. Its appropriateness is due to the small size of the domestic market, the lack of funding sources for innovation, the undeveloped domestic material and technical base. Integration is also relevant on the domestic market. It can be implemented by concluding long-term contracts with advertising agencies and IT specialists to offer multimedia publications and printed products with augmented reality that are in demand on the market. It was found that in conditions of high competitive pressure enterprises need to improve the level of service. This requires improvements in logistics process management and marketing communication policy. Delivery efficiency and attention to individual customer needs become critical. The desire to effectively build relationships with customers stimulates the introduction of CRM-systems. Enterprise management at the planning stage should take into account the high complexity of mastering employees CRM-systems. Understanding the strategic importance of spending time and resources on mastering new technologies and on personnel development provides synergy for the entire production system, promotes self-improvement of employees, their desire for continuous progress and, finally, increases their job satisfaction. International benchmarking is relevant to improve the management of printing companies. The authors identified funding for training of talented youth, certification of production according to international quality standards, priority of investment in innovation, search for new market niches, and strengthening of inter-sector cooperation as priorities.

How to Cite

Safonov, Y., Gutkevych, S., & Shenderivska, L. (2022). PECULIARITIES OF MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISES IN THE PRINTING INDUSTRY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(3), 174-184.
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management of printing enterprises, process approach, publishing houses, publishing and printing complex, business model of collaboration, CRM systems, level of service, foreign management experience, development


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