

Published: Dec 30, 2022

  Olena Volobuieva

  Oleksandra Severinova

  Tetiana Ponomarova


The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of socio-economic determinants of criminal offenses against sexual freedom and sexual integrity; to conduct an analysis of differentiating economic consequences of sexual criminal offenses; to conduct an assessment of threats to economic security associated with the change in the quantitative indicator of sexual criminal activity, as well as to determine the measures necessary to neutralize threats and risks to the economic security of the state. Scientific discussion of the problem of prevention of sexual crimes by improving the mechanism of social protection of the population is presented. The author's vision of the nature and content of the economic consequences of socially dangerous sexual acts is formulated. Attention is drawn to the fact that a low level of well-being leads to the intensification of threats to economic security, which results in the formation of socio-economic determinants of all types of criminal activity, which is connected with the uneven economic development of the regions of Ukraine, the unsatisfactory level of development of the agrarian sector in the economy, the lack of an established mechanism for regulating the international migration of labor resources in the conditions of globalization, and so on. The direct and indirect economic consequences of sexual violence are characterized and some foreign doctrinal approaches to their assessment are given. Results. Socio-economic determinants influencing the number of crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity have been identified. It has been proven that the economic consequences of sexual crimes can be divided into direct (actual material costs caused by direct sexual violence and those related to the need of victims for medical/social and legal assistance) and indirect (secondary material costs caused by the loss of financial resources, those resulting from the partial/full, temporary/permanent inability of victims to perform their work duties and those caused by the consequences of sexual violence). Measures to neutralize risks and threats to the economic security of the state are proposed: 1) fight against the spread of legalization (laundering) of income obtained by criminal means; 2) creation of special treatment facilities for persons who have committed sexual crimes; 3) development of criminological strategies aimed at timely identification of risks of increasing sexual crimes; 4) expansion of the scope of social services for victims of sexual violence; 5) promotion of the development of small and medium-sized businesses, involvement of persons with disabilities in labor activity.

How to Cite

Volobuieva, O., Severinova, O., & Ponomarova, T. (2022). SOCIO-ECONOMIC DETERMINANTS AND CONSEQUENCES OF CRIMINAL OFFENSES AGAINST SEXUAL FREEDOM AND SEXUAL INVIOLABILITY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(5), 86-91.
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economic determinants, economic consequences, criminal illegal activity, criminal offenses against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of a person, social services, risk assessment, prevention


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