The purpose of the article is to study the historical and theoretical foundations of levying the tax on immovable property other than a land plot, to develop proposals for eliminating gaps in legislation and to expand the scientific basis for studying the above tax. Methodology. The study is based on the analysis of tax legislation in the field of levying tax on immovable property other than a land plot. The article outlines the historical stages of formation and development of taxation of immovable property other than a land plot. This paper analyses the current changes in legislation and establishes that the adjustments to legal regulation have affected the provisions of the list of objects and tax rates, the tax period, and the mechanism of forming a tax decision-notification. It is found that the formation of a scientific basis for the study of taxation other than land is relevant. Recent research in the field of real estate taxation is reviewed and analysed. The main doctrines and scientific positions are presented, and the analysis of domestic legislation is carried out. The imperfection of tax legislation is substantiated. The authors analyse the conceptual framework of the Tax Code of Ukraine. It is also determined that the term "tax collection" is an independent and highly specialised term, which means a set of actions of controlling authorities in the field of tax collection on real estate other than a land plot. A detailed analysis of real estate objects that are not subject to the tax under study was carried out. The research reveals abuses by taxpayers in determining the tax base for real estate objects for which the ownership is not registered. It is proposed to amend the list of taxable real estate owned by spouses in joint ownership. Positive changes in tax legislation under martial law are outlined. The difficulty of effective collection of tax on immovable property other than a land plot is substantiated. Results. In the course of the study of the theoretical foundations of taxation of immovable property other than a land plot, the authors concludes that the legislative framework for taxation has gone through its historical path and continues to evolve. Over the period of validity of the TC of Ukraine, Article 266 has undergone numerous changes, both positive and negative, however, this indicates that the legislator is looking for the best ways to ensure the quality of the tax under study. The article reveals discrepancies in the categorical apparatus of the Tax Code of Ukraine, the legislator uses the terms "administration" and "collection". This paper considers it appropriate to use the concept of levying tax on real property other than a land plot. The authors substantiate the imperfection of legal provisions regulating the collection of tax other than land, which contributes to the abuse of taxpayers. A positive novelty of the legislation is the inclusion of those objects that are not subject to taxation that are destroyed, damaged (requiring major repairs) and destroyed during the period of hostilities. Practical implications. The article provides proposals according to which amendments to the TC of Ukraine will facilitate more efficient collection of tax on immovable property other than land plots. Value/originality. The article provides proposals for amendments to the TC of Ukraine in terms of taxpayers' obligations, clarification of the preferential category of the tax base and jointly owned property.
How to Cite
tax on immovable property other than a land plot, administration, tax paid, tax base, immovable property
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