The article analyses and proves the expediency of assessing the investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian economy on the basis of international ratings. The main task of the scientific publication is the analysis of the current state of investment attractiveness of the national economy and the determination of priority directions of its further strategic development. The concretisation of methodological approaches to the assessment of the level of investment attractiveness of the national economy through the prism of rating assessments of various agencies becomes a prerequisite for the formation of modern methods, principles, forms and priority tools of state regulation of this process. The use of innovative methods and methods of conducting scientific research in the context of determining the level of investment attractiveness of the national economy is a fundamental element of the model of successful attraction of investment capital and implementation of long-term strategic investment decisions. The subject of the scientific article is a rating of the investment attractiveness of the national economy from the perspective of the post-war period. The methodology of scientific research is based on the need to determine the level of economic efficiency of investment capital in modern conditions of globalisation transformations in the economy of Ukraine. The paper reveals the main issues of the methodology of investment decision analysis and the definition of criteria of efficiency of investment capital attraction to the national economy. The criteria of selection, justification and adoption of balanced management decisions are detailed and analysed. The purpose of this study is a comprehensive analysis of the state's position in international rating assessments of investment attractiveness, identification of key factors influencing the formation of a high level of investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian economy and search for ways to increase it by attracting additional investment capital. The conclusion of the publication is the search for ways to ensure a high level of investment attractiveness of Ukraine's economy as a dominant factor in attracting international investment capital. The fundamental strategic priority of the state investment policy is to form a comprehensive mechanism for ensuring a high level of investment attractiveness of the economy by developing a long-term programme for ensuring a high level of investment attractiveness of the national economy.
How to Cite
investment attractiveness, rating, capital, valuation, economy, analysis
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