The subject of the study is the identification of cross-cultural features of European business under the influence of the implementation of the Green Deal as the main EU development strategy until 2025. Methodology. The research used general logical and theoretical methods of cognition. The method of analysis and synthesis was used to evaluate the components of intercultural competence for the successful development of eco-business in the EU. The method of analogy was used to find out what is similar and what is different in traditional and environmentally oriented business, which affects the specifics of cross-cultural communication. The theoretical method of generalisation is used to substantiate the content and essence of intercultural competence of environmental business. The method of system analysis was used to construct the author's conceptual model of the formation of intercultural competence of European environmental business. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of environmental cross-cultural management in the activities of European business and the role of cross-cultural competencies in the success of European environmental companies, including Ukrainian business. Results. The article has proved the role of green growth as a dominant concept and concrete policy of the European Union, embodied in the strategy of the EU Green Deal Strategy (GDS). The main sectoral determinants of green growth, reflected in the Green Deal, are defined as forming the field of development of environmental business in the EU. It has been shown that this tendency affects the specifics of cross-cultural communication. The need to build effective cross-cultural communications in the European environmental business under the influence of the Green Deal determinants was analysed and addressed through the strategy of green cross-cultural management. Conclusion. European companies implementing eco-innovative developments are faced with expanding the range of cooperation with various partners, including in the multinational environment of creation, approval, implementation and monitoring of implementation effectiveness. The need to build effective intercultural communication in European eco-business under the influence of the determinants of the Green Deal, taking into account cultural differences in business relations and using the tools of effective intercultural management has been emphasised. The list of criteria for effective communication and structuring of relations in cross-cultural management was determined. The positive relationship between the integration of different cultures in EU enterprises and the growth of their competitiveness is emphasised. The prerequisites for the formation of sustainable cross-cultural competence of a business process participant are proved. Prospects for the development of "green" cross-cultural competences in the European business space are outlined. The cross-cultural competences of the European environmental business are considered from the point of view of ethnorelativism formation. The authors emphasize that intercultural communication in environmental business should take into account the peculiarities of national cultures, which make it understandable for everyone, as well as the values of the Green Planet, which is an objective unifying factor. The basic elements of the green intercultural management strategy for European business are proposed and the main obstacles to the implementation of such management mechanisms in the Ukrainian business environment are identified.
How to Cite
cross-cultural communications, European business, Green Deal, environmental companies, cross-cultural competence, cross-cultural management
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