

Published: Dec 30, 2024

  Ahmed H. Alsharif

  Salmi Mohd Isa

  Lina Pilelienė


This study employs a comprehensive bibliometric analysis, adhering to the PRISMA protocol, to systematically review and map global academic trends in neuroimaging tools for neuromarketing research. Utilising data from the Scopus database spanning January 2007 to July 2023, 104 documents were subjected to analysis, revealing a discernible upward trajectory in publications. The findings revealed that the United States emerges as the predominant contributor, with 19 papers, while influential authors such as Balconi, M., and the most-cited article, "The Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Influence of Pavlovian Cues on Human Decision Making," signify pivotal contributions to the field. A keyword analysis reveals the prominence of key themes, including "emotion," "attention," and "advertising," offering valuable theoretical insights into the field of neuromarketing research. The journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience is identified as the most productive, with 11 papers published. This comprehensive bibliometric analysis offers insights into the current landscape of neuroimaging tools in neuromarketing, as well as providing a foundation for future research directions. The implications of these findings extend to theoretical advancements, which provide guidance to researchers in refining frameworks and offering insights for strategic decision-making in the use of neuroscientific approaches for effective marketing strategies.

How to Cite

Alsharif, A. H., Isa, S. M., & Pilelienė, L. (2024). GLOBAL ACADEMIC TRENDS OF METABOLIC AND ELECTRICAL BIOMEDICAL TOOLS IN MARKETING. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 10(5), 1-19.
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neuromarketing, VOSviewer, R Studio, neuroimaging tools, Scopus database


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