The subject of research is entrepreneurial activity in conditions of global economic turbulence. Methodology. In the course of the study, the following economic research methods were used: content analysis method (when processing scientific sources and reviewing the thematic literature), abstract-logical method (when substantiating the key principles and criteria of entrepreneurial activity in the context of global economic turbulence), statistical observations and economic and statistical calculations (when analysing the indicators of entrepreneurial activity in the context of global economic turbulence), abstract-logical method (when substantiating the conclusions of the study). The objective of the research is to analyse the prerequisites for the development of entrepreneurial activity in conditions of global economic turbulence. Conclusion. A thorough analysis of the prevailing signs of global turbulence was conducted, which revealed a characterisation marked by unpredictability and irregularity. These phenomena manifested themselves within socio-economic systems amid conditions of economic crises (pandemics and military operations). It is emphasised that the processes associated with military operations in Ukraine exhibit a turbulent and cyclical nature, necessitating constant re-evaluation of organisational and management mechanisms that facilitate entrepreneurial activity. It has been determined that contemporary global turbulence engenders not only challenges for the functioning of socio-economic systems and entrepreneurship, but also concomitant drivers of development in conditions of uncertainty and unpredictability. It is emphasised that global turbulence, in conjunction with the challenges it engenders, can form the necessary prerequisites for new and innovative development in the sphere of conducting business activities. The analysis of the development of entrepreneurial activity in conditions of global economic turbulence demonstrated that the dynamics of structural shares of gross added value for the years 2010-2022 evidenced the growing importance of wholesale and retail trade, as well as the repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles in the structure of the formation of the gross added value of Ukraine, which increased by 18.17% during the aforementioned period. It is determined that there have been structural shifts in the formation of gross value added due to an increase in the share of the type of economic activity "wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles" and a decrease in the share of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, industry, construction, trade, transport, temporary accommodation and catering. The analysis demonstrated that in 2022, the largest specific weight in the structure of the formation of the gross added value of Ukraine was occupied by the following sectors: wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (34.47%), industry (30.36%), transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities (7.70%), and agriculture, forestry and fishing (7.65%).
How to Cite
entrepreneurship, global economic turbulence, gross value added, ranking, global competitiveness index, globalisation index, ease of doing business index, war, coronavirus pandemic
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