

Published: Nov 24, 2020

  Serhii Makarenko

  Nataliia Oliinyk

  Yana Oleksenko


Theoretical and methodical aspects of rating performance appraisal of scientific and pedagogical workers of educational institutions are object of research. The purpose of the article is to study the factors of influence and provide recommendations for improving the system of management of professional development of personnel of educational institutions. The results are obtained through the use of methods: expert method is used to identify the impact of qualitative and quantitative indicators on the efficiency of use of labor resources; economic and mathematical method is performed to determine the integral indicator of the assessment of the efficiency of the use of labor resources; abstract-logical method is executed for theoretical gen-eralization and formulation of conclusions. It has been revealed that the lack of a sound methodological approach to employee rating and appropriate means of motivation for professional development can lead to the loss of existing intellectual potential and competitive positions of educational institutions in the market of educational services in general. It has been found that in order to introduce an effective model of personnel management in educational institutions, it is very important to provide the main criteria for evaluating its effectiveness at the stage of formation. It was found that special attention should be paid to development of substantiated scientific and methodological approaches to the assessment of pro-fessional qualifications level of employees in the testing group and in the dynamics, determining the limit load and development model of a motivation model for professional development. When assessing the level of professional qualification of teaching staff, it is proposed to take into account not only their own property to scientific and pedagogical industry, but also the results of their pupils’ work. In determining the integral indicator of the assessment of the efficiency of the use of labor resources, the method of taxonomic analysis was used with additional consideration of the specific weight of influence of each factor on an integral indicator. It is substantiated that the definition of the boundary load will not only establish an effective bonus system, but also increase the level of job satisfaction among subordinates. The mechanism of determining the coefficient of competence of experts involved in the evaluation of staff, taking into account their work experience, the scale of management activity, and the level of education, deserves further study.

How to Cite

Makarenko, S., Oliinyk, N., & Oleksenko, Y. (2020). IMPROVEMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF MANAGEMENT OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONNEL: THE CASE OF UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(4), 103-109.
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management, educational institution, labor resources, professional development, integral indicator


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