

Published: Dec 2, 2020

  Serhii Makarenko

  Nataliia Oliinyk

  Tetiana Kazakova


The purpose of the article is to carry out an analysis and improvement of the methodological approach for estimating and forecasting socio-economic devel-opment of regions. The methodological basis of the study consisted of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists and leading specialists, statistical and analytical materials of state authorities. The results are obtained through the use of such methods as: expert – to identify the impact of qualitative and quantitative indicators on the socio-economic development of the region; economicmathematical analysis – to study the influence of a defined group of indicators on the level of development of the region; abstract-logical – for a theoretical synthesis and formulation of conclusions. The results of the study suggest that the introduction of a sound scientific and methodological approach to assessing and forecasting the level of development of the country and regions in particular will allow not only to identify problem areas in the development of the respective territories, but also to get the potential investor reliable information about the real state of affairs and to determine the justification of further investment in the activity of the research object. Using an unjustified scientific and methodological approach not only can distort the real state of affairs in the regions and the country in general, but also send limited financial resources of the State and local budgets in the conditions of the crisis to improve the indicators that have a minor impact on the development of the economy. It is proved that in current crisis conditions, the functioning of the national economy, state authorities should implement a more effective discretionary fiscal policy aimed at reducing the tax burden in the formation of the wage fund of the socially vulnerable population. The errors, ob-tained during misuse of information technologies in the assessment of socio-economic development of regions are revealed. The scientific and methodological approach to determining the coefficient of competence of experts and the value of 1 point of qualification competences during the construction of forecast scenarios and the development of regional economic development programs using intuitive fore-casting methods has been improved. Proposals for improving the system of taxation of the socially vulnerable population are developed.

How to Cite

Makarenko, S., Oliinyk, N., & Kazakova, T. (2020). FEATURES OF ASSESSMENT AND FORECASTING OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONS IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(5), 129-136. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2020-6-5-129-136
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assessment, forecasting, socio-economic development, coefficient of competence, taxation of the socially vulnerable population


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