

Published: Jun 9, 2020

  Serhii Makarenko

  Vladyslav Danko


In modern conditions, the priority task for Ukraine is the institutional transformation of the economy, the main purpose of which is to ensure sustain-able socio-economic development. Healthcare is one of the most important elements of social infrastructure of society. Its functioning ensures the reproduction of human potential, determines the ability of the national economy as a whole in the long term to respond promptly to changes of the business environment. The purpose of the article is to identify the main trends and to predict the future development of health care in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the research consist of the scientific works of domestic, foreign scientists and leading experts, statistical and analytical materials of state authorities. A questionnaire was selected as the method of data collection for the study. The survey was conducted among the top executives of educational institutions, local authorities, Kherson trade union organizations. The results were obtained through the use of methods such as: expert method to study the impact of market factors on health; economic and mathematical methods for predicting trends in health care; abstract-logical method for theoretical generalization and formulation of conclusions. The results of the study indicate that to improve the organization of the health care system in Ukraine, it is necessary to create approaches to the development of key indicators of the system that can be applied at both national and regional levels. The governance model under development should allow to create the approaches that will give a qualitative prediction of the main indicators of health system development, primarily at the regional level, as a basis for testing and further implementation throughout Ukraine. The construction of prognostication scenarios for the development of health care for the example of the Kherson region (Ukraine) revealed the most important factors that have a significant impact on the overall outcome: the number of first reported cases of diseases in the total in the region. According to the views of the involved experts, considering the level of correlation, the following indicators are most influential: the real disposable income of the population, the economically active population aged 15-70 years, the number of hospitals, the number of doctors of all specialties and the average medical staff. It is established that in the short term the number of economically active population aged 15-70 years and the number of doctors of all specialties and medical staff have a significant impact on the number of first registered cases of diseases. Therefore, the top management of na-tional health care institutions should first and foremost ensure the development of an effective system of motivation for workers (doctors of all specialties and medical staff) to perform functional responsibilities effectively and improve the quality of medical services provided as a basis for ensuring prompt detection of cases of disease among population especially aged 15-70 years.

How to Cite

Makarenko, S., & Danko, V. (2020). RESEARCH OF THE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IN UKRAINE. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 1(1), 24-30.
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management, efficiency, healthcare institutions, multiple linear regression, labor resources


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