

Published: Dec 30, 2022

  Daria Huz

  Olena Rudinska


Purpose. The purpose of the article is the scientific and theoretical substantiation of modern competencies and tasks of health care managers. Tasks. Achievement of this goal necessitated the following tasks: to analyze the role of managers and their impact on the activities of health care institutions; to consider the scope of management activities of managers of modern medical institutions; to consider the main competencies of managers of health care institutions; to determine the current tasks of managers and their impact on the activities of health care institutions. Object. The object of the study is health care institutions. Methodology. The information base of the study was formed by legislative and regulatory documents, periodicals, electronic resources. The work uses general scientific and special methods: monographic research, generalization, systematization. This made it possible to consider the impact of modern environmental factors on the functions and responsibilities of managers in health care institutions. Also to explore the modern competencies and tasks of managers and their impact on the activities of health care institutions. Results. The role of managers and their influence on the activities of health care institutions are considered. The influence of modern environmental factors on the functions and responsibilities of managers in health care institutions is analyzed. The purpose of health care institutions is considered. Two spheres of management of managers are defined: external and internal. The main competencies of managers in health care institutions are considered. The necessity of performing additional duties by managers in today's unstable economic conditions is substantiated. The modern tasks of managers and their impact on the activities of health care institutions are analyzed. Value/originality. It is found that when managing health care institutions, managers must take into account endogenous and exogenous challenges to make effective management decisions and manage the quality of health care institutions. It is determined that the key competencies of an effective manager are conceptual, technical and interpersonal skills. It is concluded that in modern conditions the heads of medical institutions also face new challenges, which are determined by such modern trends as: management in difficult conditions, management in conditions of constant change, management in a creative way. Conclusion. In today's volatile economic environment, healthcare managers must develop critical new skills and competencies to ensure the effective development of healthcare institutions. Healthcare managers must also continuously improve them in accordance with market requirements. When managing health care institutions, managers must take into account endogenous and exogenous challenges to make effective management decisions and quality management of health care institutions. Constant changes in environmental factors lead to changes in the competence and responsibility of health care managers.

How to Cite

Huz, D., & Rudinska, O. (2022). MODERN COMPETENCIES AND TASKS OF MANAGERS OF HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS. Three Seas Economic Journal, 3(4), 15-19.
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health care institutions, management, manager, domains of management, competences, tasks


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