

Published: Dec 30, 2022

  Tetiana Koliada


The purpose of the work is to analyze economic processes at the enterprise level and in-depth study of their economic processes, which is important not only in the process of establishing market relations, but especially during the economic crisis in the country. Methodology. There is an urgent need to make managerial decisions aimed at improving the economic sustainability of the enterprise, which can only be achieved through professional economic analysis of the enterprise, which is carried out using a number of economic and financial indicators calculated on the basis of financial statements and additional accounting indicators at the enterprise. The most difficult task of the food industry is to provide high-quality products and achieve their competitiveness. According to the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the food industry ranks second in terms of sales. The food industry ranks second in terms of sales volume. In 2016, the volume of sold products of the food industry amounted to 381.4 billion UAH (21.6% of the total volume in the industry), of which 91.4 billion UAH (19.6% of the volume of industrial products sold outside the country). The food industry of Ukraine has great potential and is competitive. In the context of the strategy development, measures to stimulate the economic activity of food industry enterprises are also proposed. Practical implications. Manufacturers are expanding the geography of external supplies and are looking for access to foreign markets, and the export potential makes it attractive to investors. Under such conditions, the Ukrainian food industry should change its priorities and modernize production. There is a clear lack of funding for the industry, which could be provided by both foreign and domestic investors. Capital investments should go to the food industry, which produces competitive products. And the reduction of investments in the food industry in the long run will increase the technological lag of Ukraine from the developed countries of the world. Value/originality. During the year, work was carried out to attract food and processing enterprises of all forms of ownership to participate in seminars on the development, implementation and certification of management systems, namely: quality, food safety, environmental management, occupational safety.

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organizational development, food industry, management, enterprises


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