

Viacheslav Blikhar, Mariia Blikhar, Yevheniia Duliba, Oleh Ilkiv, Rinata Kazak, Zhanna Kovalenko, Taras Gurzhiy, Olga Koval, Inna Kravchenko, Olga Kolodochka, Iryna Mima, Mykola Rubashchenko, Natalya Khmelevska, Volodymyr Shemonaev, Sergey Smirnov, Anna Arshynnikova, Tetiana Brus, Zoriana Hbur, Olena Levchuk, Victor Levchuk, Ludmila Plotka, Svitlana Sliusar, Natalya Morosiuk, Natalia Shportyuk, Viktoriia Khurdei, Arnold Кupin, Vitalii Kotsur, Volodymyr Orlyanskyi, Mykhailo Beilin, Svetlana Chervona, Lydiia Gazniuk, Yuliia Semenova, Serhii Kyryliuk, Mykhaylo Syvak, Irina Matviienko, Nelya Filyanina, Viktorija Chitishvili

The monograph describes the theoretical and practical aspects of the development of science in Ukraine and the EU countries. There are distinguished the general issues on the jurisprudence, international public and private law, mechanisms of public administration, basic principles of national security, political and historical sciences, social philosophy and philosophy of history, etc. The publication is designed for scientists, lecturers, postgraduates, students, as well as a wide range of readers.

New stages of development of modern science in Ukraine and EU countries: monograph / edited by authors. – 5th ed. – Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2019. – 472 p.


Author Biographies
Viacheslav Blikhar, Science Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Political

Mariia Blikhar, Lviv National University Lviv Polytechnic, Ukraine

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Constitutional and International Law

Yevheniia Duliba, Private Institution of Higher Education “International University of Economics and Humanities named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk”, Ukraine

Doctor of Law Sciences, Associate Professor

Oleh Ilkiv, Private Institution of Higher Education “International University of Economics and Humanities named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk”, Ukraine

Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor

Rinata Kazak, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine

PhD, Assistant Professor

Zhanna Kovalenko, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine

Assistant-consultant to People's Deputy of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; Postgraduate Student

Taras Gurzhiy, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine

Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law

Olga Koval, Kiev National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine

Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor at Department of Entrepreneurship and Law

Inna Kravchenko, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, Ukraine

Сandidate of Juridical Science, Lecturer at the Constitutional and Administrative Law and Proceedings Department

Olga Kolodochka, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, Ukraine

Lecturer at the Constitutional and Administrative Law and Proceedings Department

Iryna Mima, Kryviy Rih Economics Institute of Kyiv National Economics University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Civil and Labour Law

Mykola Rubashchenko, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine

PhD of Criminal Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law

Natalya Khmelevska, Khmelnitsky University of Management and Law, Ukraine

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor

Volodymyr Shemonaev, National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”, Ukraine

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Master Mariner

Sergey Smirnov, National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”, Ukraine

Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Anna Arshynnikova, University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine

PhD Student

Tetiana Brus, University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Secretary of Scientific Council

Zoriana Hbur, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Chief Specialist of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Ukraine

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor of Health Management

Olena Levchuk, National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky, Ukraine

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the Center for Military Strategic Studies

Victor Levchuk, National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyahovskyi, Ukraine

Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Senior Researcher, Center of Military and Strategic Research

Ludmila Plotka, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Ukraine

Graduate Student in the Department of Management Public Administration

Svitlana Sliusar, Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University, Ukraine

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Finance of Accounting and Tax

Natalya Morosiuk, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher

Natalia Shportyuk, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Ukraine

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor

Viktoriia Khurdei, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine

Candidate of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management

Arnold Кupin, National University "Zaporozhia Politekhnika", Ukraine

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Labour Law

Vitalii Kotsur, Institute of Political and Ethno-National Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist of the Department of National Minorities of I.F. Kuras

Volodymyr Orlyanskyi, National University “Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic”, Ukraine

Professor, Doctor of History, Professor of Department of Political Science and Law

Mykhailo Beilin, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine

Dr. habil. in Philosophy, Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, Professor, Full Professor at Department of Humanities

Svetlana Chervona, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine

Senior Lecturer at Department of Humanities

Lydiia Gazniuk, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine

Dr. habil. in Philosophy, Full Professor, Head of Department of Humanities

Yuliia Semenova, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Professor at Department of Humanities

Serhii Kyryliuk, Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine

Priest, MD, PhD, Associate Professor

Mykhaylo Syvak, Lviv Orthodox Theological Academy, Ukraine

Priest, PhD, Associate Professor

Irina Matviienko, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor

Nelya Filyanina, National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine

D.Sc. in Philosophy, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Head of the Department of Humanities

Viktorija Chitishvili, National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine

Teacher of the Foreign Languages Department

November 29, 2019