European and global vectors for education development in Ukraine: Scientific monograph. Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2022. 493 p.
Theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of the professional and competence potential of a preschool education specialist
Development of spiritual potential of older preschool children
Development of mental activity of older preschool children in didactic games
Professional self-efficacy in the formation of preschool education specialists
Formation of text-creating skills and skills primary education acquires
Formation of communication culture of future primary school teachers
Formation of ICT competence of junior schoolchildren in the process of studying the natural education field
Professional position of a future primary school teacher is an important component of quality professional training
Theoretical fundamentals and practices of formation of future primary school teachers self-educational skills by means of research work
Creation of books on Ukrainian lands
The formation of the speech activity of children with general underdevelopment of speech
Professional readiness of future special educators to implement inclusive education
Arttherapy technologies are effective in an inclusive preschool environment
Preschool correctional pedagogy in the historical development and current trends in preschool education of children with special needs
Spiritual foundations of teaching the Ukrainian language in institutions of general secondary education
Modern technologies in Ukrainian language classes as a means of improving the quality of education
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