The monograph presents the results of research on the sports movement in Bukovina during the stay of the region as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Romania. In particular, the formation of physical education of students of public and secondary schools is presented, the system of training of physical education teachers, the development of sports movement is revealed.
For teachers and students majoring in “Physical Culture and Sports” and anyone interested in the history of physical culture and sports movement.
Genesis of physical and sports movement in Bukovyna of the Austro-Hungarian and Romanian epochs: [Collective monograph]. Edited by N. Hnes, O. Tsybanyuk, T. Hryhoryshyna, I. Iachniuk, Y. Zoriy, Y. Tsyba, P. Horiuk, A. Moldovan. Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2020. 112 p.
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