

Published: Dec 2, 2021

  Valery Reingold

  Vladimir Dolotov


The adoption of the Regulation on the Statute for a European Cooperative Society became the next step towards spreading of supranational legal entities and assisted the progress of the cross-border and trans-national activities of cooperatives. This article deals with organizational and legal preconditions for the creation of European Cooperative Societies. It examines the sources of legal regulation and options of foundation of European Cooperative Societies, considers the problem of choosing the governance structure. The advantages and drawbacks of the European Cooperative Societies, which determine their current insignificant application, are analysed. The potential areas of legal changes required for further development of European Cooperative Societies are identified.

How to Cite

Reingold, V., & Dolotov, V. (2021). SCE: SUPRANATIONAL LEGAL FORM OF COOPERATIVES IN EU. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 4-13. Retrieved from
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European Cooperative Society (SCE), supranational character, regulation, directive, advantages and drawbacks of legal entities

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