

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Vladimir Dolotov


The European Economic Interest Grouping had been enacted by the EU Council Regulation 2137/85 on 25 July 1985, and was the first grouping, which was governed by the law of the EU. The article deals with the organizational and legal preconditions for the creation of European Economic Interest Groupings. The paper consistently examines the sources of law which regulate the creation of groupings, addresses the problem of selecting the structure and location of the grouping. The author presents the detailed analysis of the shortcomings and limitations, as well as the advantages of European economic interest groupings, which set out the effectiveness of the usage of this form of activity. The author assesses the prospects and identifies potential areas of legal changes necessary for the further development of European economic interest groupings.

How to Cite

Dolotov, V. (2021). EUROPEAN ECONOMIC INTEREST GROUPING: THE EXPERIENCE OF THE FIRST SUPRANATIONAL LEGAL INSTITUTION IN THE EU. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 4-19. Retrieved from
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European Economic Interest Grouping, Regulation, Directive, supranational character, advantages and drawbacks of European Economic Interest Groupings

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