

Published: Aug 1, 2022


The article considers foreign criminological practices of preventing the commission of criminal offenses against minors. It is stated that the essence of «zero tolerance for crime» is to create a single state «body» to prevent criminal activity: by the legislature (by creating appropriate prohibitions), law enforcement agencies, as units and structures specifically designed to combat illegal activities and by society, or the so-called «public». «Zero tolerance for crime» – a strategy beneficial not only in terms of crime prevention, but also in terms of deterring society from victim behavior through psychological awareness of the deep, destructive nature of the crime. It is very significant that our specialists often invite foreign colleagues to consult and share positive experiences. Of course, not all practices can be borrowed and successfully integrated into Ukrainian victimology strategies, which can be explained by different mentalities, levels of criminal activity, different types of crime, and approaches to law enforcement.

How to Cite

Titochka, T. (2022). FOREIGN CRIMINOLOGICAL PRACTICES TO PREVENT CRIMINAL OFFENSES AGAINST JUVENILES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 170-178.
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juvenile, victim, criminal offense, criminal legislation, criminally illegal act, foreign country

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