

Published: Sep 20, 2024

  Yuriy Safonov

  Olha Korotun

  Oksana Konarivska


This article explores the concept of digitalisation and its impact on marketing management in the tourism industry. The study examines the evolution of digitalisation from its origins in the 1960s and 1970s to its current role in the economy, with a particular focus on the tourism sector. Objective of the research. The aim is to explain the multifaceted nature of digitalisation and highlight its importance as a transformative force in the tourism industry. The study aims to demonstrate how digitalisation fosters innovation, increases operational efficiency and creates personalised and interactive experiences for consumers. It seeks to provide a clear understanding of how digital tools and technologies can be strategically integrated into marketing practices to improve business results and customer satisfaction. Research methodology. The study employs a comprehensive literature review, in which the various definitions and interpretations of digitalisation proposed by renowned scholars are subjected to analysis. Furthermore, case studies and practical applications of digital technologies, including Big Data, blockchain, artificial intelligence, mobile applications, virtualisation technologies, and the Internet of Things (IoT) in the tourism industry, are also considered. A comparative analysis is applied to identify the most informative and widely recognised definitions of digitalisation, with particular emphasis on the definition proposed by Laudon and Laudon (2019) due to its clarity and comprehensiveness. Research results. The findings indicate that digitalisation is a critical catalyst for rewriting the travel narrative for consumers, transforming destinations into dynamic, interactive, and responsive ecosystems. The incorporation of digital technologies within the tourism sector not only optimises operational efficiency but also markedly enhances the customer experience. The implementation of personalised marketing, the utilisation of AI-based customer service tools and the application of predictive analytics have been identified as key benefits. However, the study also identifies challenges associated with data privacy, integration with existing systems, and the necessity for continuous adaptation and improvement of CRM strategies to align with evolving customer expectations. Practical implications. Digitalisation opens up significant opportunities for the tourism industry to innovate and maintain competitive advantage in a rapidly changing market environment.

How to Cite

Safonov, Y., Korotun, O., & Konarivska, O. (2024). DIGITALISATION AS A MARKETING MANAGEMENT TOOL IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 10(3), 295-303.
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digitalisation, digital technologies, marketing, management, tourism, tourism industry


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