Taking into account the society's demand on the efficiency of budget funds management, further optimization of budget expenditures, improvement of the quality of educational services, the strategy of providing textbooks and manuals for students of general secondary education and teachers should be developed and approved, the problem of development of standards of paper consumption for the production of textbooks was solved. manuals for modern printing equipment and their approval. The research was carried out using general scientific methods, in particular, theoretical generalization, methods of statistical analysis, graphic method of visualization of research results. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of development of directions of regulation of publishing of educational literature in Ukraine on the basis of adaptation of European experience, to develop approaches to creation of a system of standardization of production costs of printed materials. It was found out that in modern scientific literature the debate on the justification of the ways of development of the publishing and printing sphere, the necessity of real state support and standardization of production costs of printed products continues. The authors studied the trends in book publishing in countries with a high level of education and a developed educational literature publishing industry, which determines the demand for books and the development of the publishing industry. Systematized and analyzed information on the printing of textbooks and teaching aids in Ukraine, outlined the problems associated with the need to control the spending of budget funds. It was found that the current system of publishing educational literature in Ukraine is characterized by an insufficient level of achievement of target indicators in the use of state budget funds intended for the production of book products. Characterization of the main principles of activity of the largest publishing houses of educational literature in Ukraine was carried out on the basis of the indicators of the total circulation of books and by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The consequences of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation for the domestic book publishing industry are analyzed, which require a shift of the emphasis of effective management to optimization and cost minimization. Due to the outdated and imperfect system of rationing, the necessity of the scientific institution to carry out complex preparatory work on the legislative regulation of technical standards of costs and standards of material waste in the production of textbooks and educational-methodical aids has been determined.
How to Cite
textbooks, manuals, publishing houses, printing to order, foreign book publishing experience, development of cost norms and norms of material waste
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