

Published: Dec 18, 2018

  Valentyn Halunko

  Kseniia Kurkova

  Vitalii Oksin


The purpose of the study is to systematize the methodological foundations for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing communications on the Internet. In the literature, there are often limited definitions of interactivity, which do not reveal the essence and do not allow fully realizing the marketing opportunities associated with its phenomena. Today, interactive video, gaming technologies, which are increasingly used in the creation of advertising and communication materials, provide unprecedented opportunities for users to create and flexibly change their own scenarios for the development of events, to guide the history of the video and its heroes, which, among other things, makes it possible to make the presentation object not only goods or services but also the practice of behaviour in different situations of their purchase and consumption. In Internet marketing communications, preconditions for estimating the time budget, general stay in the network, implementation of specific behavioural scenarios of the full-fledged functioning of the user as a representative of the target audience, including through various devices and due to multimedia character, are formed. Optimization of Internet communications of enterprises is carried out on the basis of cyclic interactive communication and timely adjustments of parameters of the received traffic from automated services such as Google analytics, Yandex Metrica, CoMagic, and others. An audience behaviour analysis becomes possible by the use of cookie data. This fragment of data stored on Internet users’ computers reveals the broad opportunities for enterprises to target their advertising, identifying the target audience, for example, by geographic location of users, tracking their interests, counting impressions and passing through banners. Due to the high level of inherent interactivity, simplification of activity realization, and its coordination in a virtual environment, with real results, the development of marketing communications on the Internet contributes to the transition from the integrated application of specialized tools and technologies to their genuine integration. These new opportunities, subject to their implementation, will update one more aspect – the achievement of the effectiveness of Internet communications in marketing. Attempts and methodical options for the formation of a holistic set of marketing communications, with their declared effectiveness, have become widespread. The author proposes a more adaptive system for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing communications, where a balanced system of indicators and stages of work are complemented by the classical algorithms that create the necessary preconditions for preventing or neutralizing the identified problems in the organization of Internet marketing communications. The effectiveness of the CPM model depends entirely on the derivative results of user behaviour (review of site materials, ordering and purchasing goods). Therefore, depending on the goals of the campaign, that is, expanding the target audience or promoting sales, the result may be more predictable. The success of online platforms is based on the consistent development of activities, which is harmonized by three benchmarks: differentiation, effectiveness, efficiency. If earlier, marketing monitoring of the audience and behaviour of Internet users was mainly based on the features of its persons or contingents, and the information context, today it needs to be integrated (contextual targeting, retargeting, and other tools).

How to Cite

Halunko, V., Kurkova, K., & Oksin, V. (2018). METHODS OF ASSESSING THE EFFICIENCY OF INTERNET MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(4), 76-86.
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Internet marketing communications, interactivity, marketing activities, media market, media budget, CPM models, audience selection algorithms, economic efficiency


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