

Published: Dec 11, 2018

  Valentyn Halunko

  Vira Halunko

  Мaryna Savyuk


The aim of the article is to study the peculiarities of the financial and credit mechanism of supporting small and medium enterprises in foreign countries with the purpose of identification of key areas for the development of financial and credit support for small and medium enterprises in Ukraine. The subject of the study is the foreign experience of financing small and medium-sized businesses. Methodology. The research is based on a comparison of financial and credit support of small and medium business in Ukraine and in foreign countries. The advantages and disadvantages of different support systems for small and medium-sized enterprises are determined on the basis of an analysis of the specifics of financing small and medium-sized businesses in Germany, the USA, the UK, Italy, Japan, and some other countries. The possibilities and limits of the application of positive foreign experience in this area are determined on the basis of a comparative legal study of certain provisions of Ukrainian legislation. The results of the study showed that the peculiarities of the financial and credit mechanism for supporting small and mediumsized businesses in foreign countries, which were studied, are as follows: the predominance of indirect support methods, provision of state financial help only on a competitive, turnaround, and paid basis; effectively functioning system of state guarantee of loans, which were provided to small businesses by commercial banks (guarantee from 60 to 90% of the loan); creation of a network of special banks, which serve small businesses at different levels; strong financial stimulation for small businesses in their innovation activity; stimulating taxation system and special depreciation procedure; creation of conditions for equal access for all entrepreneurs to information and consulting services (especially on taxation, lending, and insurance issues). Practical implications. The positive experience of financing small and medium business shows that the foreign practice of functioning of the financial and credit mechanism for supporting small business is not based on the fact that, on preferential terms, small enterprises can receive all the necessary financial and credit resources for their development and support small business at all costs. But this practice is aimed to create a favourable economic and legal climate that allows small businesses not only to survive but also to successfully develop. Correlation/originality. A comparative analysis of small and medium business financing systems is the basis for developing the most promising directions for the development of domestic legislation in this field.

How to Cite

Halunko, V., Halunko, V., & SavyukМ. (2018). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE FOR FINANCING SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(5), 40-45.
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financial and credit mechanism, small and medium business, venture financing, preferential taxation


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