

Published: Dec 3, 2020

  Oleksandr Lukyanenko


The natural and geographical, resource, economic and environmental conditions, global motivations, key trends, specific features of formation and prospects for aquaculture development are researched. It is emphasized that fishing and aquaculture have a special place in solving the global food problem, while significantly affecting the aquatic environment. The interdisciplinary nature of scientific research in the conceptual format of fisheries economics, management of marine ecosystems, aquaculture, green and blue technologies are illustrated. The positioning of fisheries and aquaculture in the format of global problems of mankind and sustainable development in terms of environmentally irresponsible use of bioresources, especially the World Ocean is made, attention is focused on the potentially catastrophic consequences of its pollution, the problem of restoring fish stocks based on climate change is emphasized. The economic, ecological and social expediency of accelerated development of aquaculture, its institutional, functional and organizational-regulatory separation in the structure of global fisheries is substantiated, considering its complexity and inter-sectoral diversification, the author's model of aquaculture is proposed with classification identification of its categories (internal natural, artificial and combined reservoirs and marine, coastal and combined areas), types (with and without feed), species (bony fish, crustaceans, mollusks, other aquatic animals, algae), and consumer products (food, non-food, dual use). The scale, structure and dynamics of aquaculture development have been identified and assessed, and its growing importance in global fisheries has been confirmed. The analysis of the regional structure of aquaculture production by continents is carried out, its distribution by categories and species in Asia, North and South America, Europe, Africa and Oceania is characterized. The special leadership status of China in the global production of aquaculture products is illustrated. It is confirmed that aquaculture is becoming the main source of human fish consumption. The key trends in the development of aquaculture in the European Union have been identified and assessed. The special features of the formation of the relevant market are described. In addition, it has been demonstrated that the scale of aquaculture production only in Norway is comparable to the aggregate indicator of the EU countries. The volumes and structure of aquaculture financing from the budget of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund are analyzed. Using Spearman's correlation ranks, the peculiarities of aquaculture consumption in terms of volume and price characteristics are studied. The conclusions of the research are substantiated, which confirm the hypothesis of perspective prospects of aquaculture advanced development using the modern innovative technologies and the effective system of its global regulation.

How to Cite

Lukyanenko, O. (2020). GLOBAL MOTIVATIONS AND AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT TRENDS. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 1(2), 132-139.
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global problems of mankind, sustainable development, global aquasystem, aquatic bioresources, fisheries, aquaculture


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