

Published: Mar 29, 2021

  Yuliia Aleskerova

  Volodimir Todosiichuk


The purpose is to study and analyse the prospects for development of economic aspects of organic beekeeping in Ukraine.The article deals with the main trends of greening of life, in particular those related to the beekeeping industry. The most promising activities are outlined and a number of factors that can be used by the entities to form the entrepreneurial potential of rural theories are identified. Beekeeping is the oldest human industry with a centuries-old history and Ukraine is recognized in the world as the homeland of cultural beekeeping. This branch of agriculture in the country provides both pollination of entomophilous crops and the production of various beekeeping products for the needs of the population and for various industries. Methodology. The expediency of introducing organic beekeeping methods is reflected. Requirements for production of organic beekeeping according to the Ukrainian legislation and regarding the requirements of the EU are covered. Results. The certification procedure is described and the certification bodies operating in the territory of Ukraine are characterized. The trends and the state of the organic beekeeping market are reflected, the concepts of “price” and “value” of organic produce are defined. A number of factors affecting the functioning of the beekeeping industry were identified, risks identified and measures taken to minimize them. Value/originality. For effective functioning of the industry it is suggested to use marketing channels and marketing strategies based on foreign experience and taking into account the Ukrainian specificity. The problems of organic beekeeping have been generalized, the main priorities have been identified and the ways of realization of the set tasks have been proposed. Therefore for the effective functioning of the organic beekeeping industry, it is first necessary: to use available natural and climatic potential (protected areas and certified agricultural lands); to develop special regulations and certification system that are adapted to international and European requirements and implement them in production and society; to create an effective mechanism of state support for enterprises that transform their own production and are in the transition period (low credit rates, legal support, compensation for the cost of organic certification) and control; to support and stimulate the development of the organic market through the dissemination of information, the establishment of advisory services and research and educational centers; to enter the international market of organic products as a finished product with its own brand and added value and not just raw materials. All this will increase the number of organic enterprises, employment and the income of producers.

How to Cite

Aleskerova, Y., & Todosiichuk, V. (2021). ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF ORGANIC BEEKEEPING PRODUCTION. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 2(1), 1-9.
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market, beekeeping, organic produce, efficiency, margin, strategy, marketing management, price and value, certification, risks


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