

Published: May 31, 2021

  Pavlo Fisunenko

  Andriy Ziuzia


The transformations of the world economy related to the informatization of society, digitalization of the world in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, which created the preconditions for the special urgency of the problem of effective use of the intellectual potential of national economies, have been considered. It has been proved that the determining factor of innovative development and competitiveness of the national economy is the intellectual potential of all levels of the socio-economic system, including the regional level, which generate technological innovations and create opportunities for the country's transition to a higher level of technological paradigm, which becomes a decisive factor in the competitiveness of the national economy. The interaction and mutual influence of potentials in the composition of the economic potential of the region, the impact of IP of certain re-gions on the national economy (on the example of the Prydniprovsk region) have been revealed. The main factors of competitiveness of the national economy have been analyzed and the development of education and science, equipment and tech-nologies, scientific and technical potential as a basis for effective use of IP of regions has been highlighted. The relationship of intellectual potential, both with the geopo-litical situation of the region and the current labor market as well as with the scien-tific and technical potential of the territory, the number of scientific and educational institutions and their development, the presence of regional scientific clusters have been outlined. The ways of effective use of IP on the basis of the analysis of various directions of conceptual and strategic character of development of national economy have been outlined. The connection between the effective use of intellectual potential and the «retention of talents» and human capital as the main asset of the modern knowledge economy has been studied. It has been concluded that the formation and implementation of the mechanism of retention, cultivation and motivation of staff with modern organizational skills, new digital skills, changing competencies, skills and behavior more in line with Industry 4.0, will depend on the efficiency of intellectual potential and competitiveness of the national economy, to ensure which, the formation and introduction of an innovative ecosystem as a driving force of accelerated economic growth, which is possible through the effective use of intellectual potential is crucial.

How to Cite

Fisunenko, P., & Ziuzia, A. (2021). EFFICIENCY OF INTELLECTUAL POTENTIAL AS A FACTOR OF INCREASING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 2(2), 60-67. https://doi.org/10.30525/2661-5169/2021-2-9
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intellectual potential, efficiency, Industry 4.0, competitiveness, national economy


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