The purpose of the study is to enhance the scientific-theoretical foundations and to develop recommendations for the formation of a comprehensive regulatory impact of the state on the activities of banks. The main objectives of the study were: determination of the organizational and economic essence of the regulatory influence of the state on the activities of banks; classification of components of complex regulatory influence; determination of indicators for monitoring methodological approaches to the assessment of the target criterion of regulatory impact; classification of measures to monitor the effectiveness of the complex regulatory impact of the state on the activities of banks. The research methodology was based on the use of the following methods: historical, system analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, logical and mathematical modeling and discriminant analysis. The subject of the study are the mechanisms of implementation of a comprehensive regulatory impact of the state on the activities of banks. Conclusions. The main result of the study is a conceptual approach to the formation of a comprehensive regulatory impact of the state on the activities of banks, which, unlike existing ones, ensures the stable operation of banks with timely fulfillment of obligations to depositors, shareholders and creditors, which makes it impossible to conduct artificial bankruptcy with the withdrawal of liquid assets. Implementation. Logico-structural scheme of forming the target criterion of complex regulatory impact of the state on the banks' activities is based on the results of a discriminant analysis of the financial condition and bankruptcy risk of twenty banks in Ukraine. Calculated in accordance with the stages of systemic assessment, the target criterion of the complex regulatory impact of the state on banking activity is a more reliable lever, allowing for more informed decisions to maintain the effective functioning and stable development of the bank by the state, owners, managers and investors.
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monitoring, monitoring of results, evaluation, assessment
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