

Published: Oct 29, 2021

  Viktoriya Stolyarova

  Vasylyi Stolyarov


The purpose of the article is to deepen the scientific foundations of strategic planning using the provisions of the theory of purposeful reproduction and the principles of systematic methodology. In modern conditions in Ukraine there is an increase in financial self-sufficiency of regions with a simultaneous increase in social responsibility of the Center and Regions for the achievement of balanced and sustainable socio-economic development at different levels of management. The main objectives of the study were as follows: clarification of challenges and problems of strategic planning; disclosure of the essence and content of strategic planning in a unitary state; system classification of purposeful reproduction processes at different levels of management; rationale for the limits of budgetary centralism with budgetary federalism in the harmonious proportions of the "golden section"; defining the powers of Central and Regional authorities in the strategic planning of a sovereign state. The research methodology was based on the following methods: historical, dialectical, structural and functional, system analysis and synthesis, hypothetic and deductive, and logical modeling. The subject of the research is the scientific and methodological support of the justification of strategic objectives, priorities and indicators for planning long-term socio-economic development at the national and regional levels of management in terms of decentralized budgeting. The powers of the Central and Regional executive bodies are based on the provisions and principles of state formation on the basis of coordinated and synchronous interaction of purposeful reproductive processes. The execution of strategic planning processes and procedures by the Center and Regions under decentralized budgeting conditions determines those components of the development of a sovereign, independent, legal, social and unitary state, which are regulated by the volume and structure of the Consolidated State Budget. The establishment of proportions between the state and local budgets of Ukraine within the framework of the Consolidated Budget of the unitary state was carried out using the harmonious proportions of the "Golden Section", which ensures the balanced and systematic functioning of the Center and Regions as a dialectically separated unity. Conclusions. The main result of the study is a methodological approach to determining the competence of the Center and Regions in the strategic planning of socio-economic development on the basis of achieving coherence and synchrony of purposeful reproductive processes of different scales of market economy of the unitary Ukrainian state. The results of the study formed the basis of the scientific paradigm "Stable and sustainable socio-economic development for the Ukrainian people". Implementation. The methodological approach to the strategy of Regions and the Center for socio-economic development of the administrative region and the state as a whole was developed by the Khmelnytskyi Regional State Administration in 2015–2016. Strategic goals and priorities of socio-economic development of Luhansk and Donetsk regions were defined for 2014–2020 as an alternative to the Antiterrorist Operation (ATO), which was conducted from February to August 2014 in the Ukrainian Donbass.

How to Cite

Stolyarova, V., & Stolyarov, V. (2021). STRATEGIC PLANNING OF THE UNITARY STATE IN CONDITIONS OF DECENTRALIZED BUDGETING. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 2(3), 57-63.
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strategic planning, decentralized budgeting, proportions of Golden overturn


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