

Published: Nov 30, 2022

  Mykhailo Suvorov


The purpose of this article is to analyze the domestic and foreign experience of forming a cluster structure and determine the possibilities and prospects of its use as a tool for increasing energy efficiency and establishing energy independence. Submission of proposals for the formation of an energy cluster in the Luhansk region under the name "Luhansk Energy Center". Determination of the features of the energy cluster, substantiation of its advantages and disadvantages, the structure and participants are proposed, the main types of activities are indicated, and proposals for the way of strategic development are provided. Methodology. Today, the formation of a cluster structure in Ukraine is a necessary condition for the activation of domestic production, increasing the efficiency of innovative development, achieving high indicators of economic growth, energy efficiency, energy security and energy independence. Information about the specifics of the development of countries and regions can help to understand the role of clusters, thereby creating a competitive advantage. Results. Clusters are the basis of an innovative economy and a form of economic activity, and their importance is growing, an example of which is the application of the concept of clusters in the development of renewable energy. Their multi-level structure makes it possible to conduct constant research, implement the most complex projects, including international ones, maintain business competitiveness and protect its interests. One of the main reasons for the urgency of the Ukrainian cluster is the globalization and restructuring of the economy, increasing competitiveness, access to foreign markets, partnership with investors and funds, investment attraction, etc. Cluster activity can depend on individual fields or a combination of several fields. Practical implications. As research shows, a big role in the activation of innovation belongs to renewable energy. Formation of new innovative centers of social economic development of the region should be carried out on the basis of cluster development of energy infrastructure tours according to the target function, namely energy recovery type provision. Most often, regional division in countries forms has existed historically for a long time, but it is not always takes into account all economic, technological, geographical physical features. Today there are new theoretical ones and practical knowledge, management mechanisms, with the help of with the help of which different fields are directed and combined technical and technological, economic and social overall progress Value/originality. The main goal of the selected research is to determine the role of various institutions in the formation of the Luhansk energy cluster for the effective development of the region in the energy sector, as well as to confirm the possibility of using cluster systems in the context of ensuring an energy-efficient Ukrainian economy based on energy independence.

How to Cite

Suvorov, M. (2022). ECONOMIC MODEL OF THE FORMATION OF A SMALL ALTERNATIVE ENERGY CLUSTER IN THE REGION. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 3(2), 29-35.
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clusters, energy cluster, energy, renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy resources, small alternative energy (SAE)


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