

Published: May 31, 2023

  Arthur Amber


Relevance. Over time and as public awareness grows, it is becoming increasingly clear that environmental protection is one of the most important issues facing people in the 21st century. Growing industrialisation and business development are increasing the impact of business on the environment, which can have serious consequences for human health, natural ecosystems and the economy. As a result, environmental security has become one of the most important issues for companies, governments and society as a whole. The article reveals the theoretical foundations of the essence and mechanisms of environmental safety management of an enterprise. The main objectives are: to clarify the essence of the concept of corporate environmental safety management; to propose a classification of objects, subjects and functions of corporate environmental safety management; to consider approaches to corporate environmental safety management; to illuminate theories of corporate environmental safety management that influence national security; to identify stages of corporate environmental safety management; and to develop a classification of tools and indicators for corporate environmental safety management. Research methods. The article used a historical approach, a systemic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction, the logical method and a method of generalisation as the basis of the study. Conclusions. This research confirms that managing environmental safety in an organisation is a complex process that requires the involvement of different management subjects and objects. Furthermore, the study showed that theories of environmental safety management in enterprises have implications for ensuring national security. The result of this research is the development of classifications for objects, subjects, functions, tools and indicators of environmental safety management in enterprises, which will improve and effectively perform tasks related to environmental safety management in enterprises.

How to Cite

Amber, A. (2023). THE ESSENCE AND MECHANISM OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY MANAGEMENT. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 4(2), 1-9.
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safety, national security, enterprise safety, environmental security, environmental safety of enterprise, enterprise environmental safety management


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