

Published: May 31, 2023

  Anzhelika Mashevska


The article reveals the nature and economic content of the concepts of "remuneration", "wages" and "employee benefits" from the point of view of various scholars and regulations, and identifies their main characteristics and differences. The article also states that wages are defined as monetary compensation to an employee for work performed, services rendered in accordance with labour legislation, as stipulated in the employment contract. Methodology. Given the complexity of socio-economic processes at the micro level and their impact on macroeconomic indicators, the system of control over labour remuneration transactions at the enterprise level needs to be revised. In market conditions, the need to improve the methodological and organisational aspects of control in the Ukrainian economy is growing. The article proposes a methodology of internal control of payments to employees with a theoretically substantiated ranking of control procedures at the methodological stage of control. Results. The scientific work reflects the organisation of internal control of payroll accounting and shows how responsible and important this stage is, since the correctness of its assessments and the management decisions made on its basis affect the performance of employees, the costs of the enterprise, the formation and determination of income. It should be noted that the main purpose of the controller in the verification of payroll is to determine the strength of the control, which will make it possible to ensure that there are no errors in the company or, conversely, to identify certain inaccuracies. Practical implications. In turn, it is also noted that the control is aimed at carrying out the social function in management, regardless of the socio-political system in which the organisation operates and, moreover, is an objective need for social and labour relations, on the one hand, allows to activate the mechanism of labour resources, and on the other hand, carries out a clear distribution of costs for their optimization. In accordance with the dynamics of activity of civil and economic cases on payroll accounting in Ukraine in recent years, the necessity of improvement of methodological directions of internal control of payroll accounting is considered. It has been established that the control of labour costs and accounting with personnel occupies an important place in the system of enterprise management at various levels of management. Attention is paid to such primary structural elements of internal control as purpose, objectives, subjects and objects, methodological and organisational aspects of functioning of the internal control system are reflected and their characteristics are studied. The article states that remuneration is one of the most important expenses of enterprises-organisations. As a result, salary, fulfilling its main functions, is the main incentive for activation. Value/originality. On this basis, it is important to identify remuneration risks, correct errors and prevent possible consequences. All this requires the organisation of an effective internal control system. Having studied the international experience in the organisation of internal control, the currently developed concepts, regulations, internal audit standards, etc. for companies, certain directions for improving internal financial control, in particular in the field of remuneration, are proposed. In order to improve the directions of control, some criteria for evaluating the work of the internal control service have been proposed. The basic methodical techniques used in the process of internal control of labour costs and settlements with personnel are considered.

How to Cite

Mashevska, A. (2023). ORGANISATIONAL AND THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF INTERNAL CONTROL OVER LABOUR COSTS. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 4(2), 30-38.
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on-farm control, continuity, audit, analysis, employee, benefits wages remuneration


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