Human resources are the basis for the functioning of any company in the world, regardless of its size or industry. Human resource management through the development of human potential is a way to increase the competitiveness and productivity of employees and leads to an increase in the company's profits. The purpose of the article is to analyse the conditions for the formation of the human resource potential and possible trends of its development in the future in the conditions of innovative changes in the economy. The aim of the article is to identify the key factors that shape and influence human resource potential, as well as the trends in the labour market and education that will shape the trends of its further development. The study uses a general scientific methodology: analysis, synthesis, systematisation, and comparison. The data used for the calculations are those of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, which are publicly available. Results. The analysed materials of foreign and Ukrainian scientists made it possible to determine the key factors that are the main components in the formation of personnel potential, and the study of statistical data of the labour and education market of Ukraine revealed the general trends of its further development. The practical significance of this article lies in the calculation of modern socio-economic factors, which have the greatest impact on the development of human resources potential. Due to several serious crises in the country, the current situation on the labour market is very difficult, and due to a full-scale war, Ukraine in the future will face the biggest crisis in the entire history of its independence. On the other hand, it can have a positive impact on the development of human potential, as people will often have to think outside the box and learn new professions. The value of this work lies in the separation of the theoretical bases of the development of the personnel potential and the review of the statistical information, which will become the basis for further analysis of the ways of increasing the personnel potential of the Ukrainian enterprises. In further studies it is planned to reveal the existing ways and methods of assessing the human resource potential of enterprises and to explore possible ways of increasing it.
How to Cite
human resources, personnel potential, personnel development, innovative thinking, personnel costs, human capital, education
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