

Published: Oct 31, 2023

  Luidmyla Kvasova

  Larysa Kurbatska

  Nikita Bolovin


The purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth understanding of Ukrainian companies, their operations and their current image in international markets. To identify the key factors that influence the image of Ukrainian companies when they expand to international markets. These may include cultural, economic and political factors. Analyse the strategies and approaches used by Ukrainian companies to create and improve their image abroad. This includes consideration of marketing, branding and communication strategies. Methodology. The research is based on the analysis of companies in international markets and usually involves a combination of research methods, such as a thorough review of existing literature on the topic. It includes qualitative data (interviews, focus groups, content analysis) or quantitative data (surveys, financial reports). In this case, consideration could be given to conducting surveys and interviews with key stakeholders, such as managers, employees and customers of Ukrainian companies operating in international markets, as well as benchmarking against companies from other countries. This can help identify unique features and trends specific to Ukrainian companies. Results. Overall, the article aims to provide valuable insights into the complex process of shaping the image of Ukrainian companies trying to navigate the intricacies of international markets, which will ultimately help them achieve greater success and recognition on a global scale. The following section presents the key findings and insights from the recent FE BACCA survey. This survey was conducted to understand how the company is perceived by various stakeholders, including customers, employees and the general public. The data collected provides valuable insights into reputation and areas for improvement. Practical implications. The practical implications can be significant for both Ukrainian companies and the wider business community. Ukrainian companies can gain insight into how their image is perceived in international markets. Understanding these perceptions can help them make strategic adjustments to improve their competitiveness and attract international customers and partners. The results of the study can help Ukrainian companies develop marketing strategies for different international markets. They can align their branding and communication efforts with the preferences and expectations of specific target audiences. For Ukrainian companies planning to enter international markets, the study can provide insights into image-related challenges and opportunities in specific markets. The research can also serve as a basis for further academic and policy research on how image formation affects international trade and economic diplomacy. Value/originality. Thus, the study of the image of Ukrainian companies in international markets has practical implications that extend to marketing strategies, reputation management, stakeholder relations, and even government policy. Ultimately, this can contribute to the successful internationalisation of Ukrainian business. Ukraine as a country has a unique historical, cultural and geopolitical context. This uniqueness translates into a specific image on the international stage. Understanding how Ukrainian companies navigate this unique context to build their image is an original and valuable area of research. While image building and branding are well-studied topics in marketing and international business, there's a relative dearth of research focused specifically on Ukrainian companies.

How to Cite

Kvasova, L., Kurbatska, L., & Bolovin, N. (2023). FEATURES OF IMAGE FORMATION OF UKRAINIAN COMPANIES ON INTERNATIONAL MARKETS. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 4(3), 39-44. https://doi.org/10.30525/2661-5169/2023-3-6
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international business, corporate image formation, Ukrainian brand perception, Ukrainian companies and global markets, cross-cultural marketing


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