The purpose of the article is to justify modern approaches to the choice of marketing strategies and to develop practical recommendations for their implementation and management in the activities of agricultural enterprises. The methodological basis of the study was a synthesis of the results of applied research in economics, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, which highlighted the basic theories of competitive advantage, competitiveness and marketing management. Results. The article examines the essence of the peculiarities of the system of strategic management of marketing activities of agricultural enterprises, provides a description of marketing strategies for managing the development of the enterprise, outlines methodical approaches to assessing the level of potential of marketing strategies in the activities of agricultural enterprises. The paper formulates the key objectives of marketing activities and allocates the tasks that are key in developing a marketing strategy. Thus, having analysed most of the classifications of marketing strategies, it can be concluded that strategies are developed for each individual enterprise depending on the mission of the enterprise, tactical and strategic development goals. It has been established that when choosing a marketing strategy it is necessary to concentrate efforts on the set goals, main features of the marketing strategy, such as: long-term orientation, based on the results of strategic marketing analysis, certain subordination in the hierarchy of corporate strategies, determined market orientation of activity (in relation to consumers and competitors). In addition, the company's marketing strategy determines its strengths, which allow it to win in competition. Practical results. The publication identifies specific features of marketing management of formation and implementation of strategies of innovative development of agricultural enterprises. The main factors of the external and internal environment that determine the adaptation of marketing activities and the management system of agricultural enterprises to their changes are noted. The proposed system of the competitive strategy of the enterprise, which includes a separate set of strategies: the ability to form competitive advantages, the application of the competitive strategy and the effective use of the competitive strategy of the enterprise. Value/Originality. The article systemises main types of marketing strategies, competitive strategies and strategies of innovation development. The competitive approach is based on the strategy and tactics of counteracting competitors. Within this approach, two ways of achieving competitive advantages can be used: the marketing strategy of the leader and the strategy of sustainable development of the competitive environment.
How to Cite
marketing strategy, agricultural enterprises, environmental factors, competitive marketing strategies, marketing management
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